Case Manager Profile

Sheila Evans


Amputation, Spinal Injury


South East England
Sheila Evans

Sheila is a qualified Nurse, experienced case manager, and spinal cord injury professional. She has over 25 years of experience in caring for individuals affected by trauma and injury who present with complex physical, psychological, and social needs. She has developed an extensive understanding of the lifecycle of a spinal cord injury and has built a successful career in case management.

Sheila is reliable, well-organised and able to adapt to challenges as they arise. She is a confident communicator, experienced in coordinating and managing large multidisciplinary teams ensuring a positive outcome for the client.

She is diligent and thorough in her attention to detail and has developed strong relationships with care and rehabilitation providers.

Sheila has an in-depth understanding of the litigation process and has played an integral part in the rehabilitation of many clients.

She has experience in working collaboratively with statutory providers in securing funding for complex support packages.

Her professional, supportive and confident approach allows her to build a rapport quickly and effectively with clients and their families.

Sheila is passionate and committed to supporting clients to achieve their goals.



Age Groups


Registrations and memberships

Royal College of Nursing (RCN) (Reg: 196428)

Nursing and Midwifery Council (Reg: 92J0803E)

British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management

Case Management Society UK (Reg: 14-1345-CM)

Registered with the Major Trauma Signposting Partnership (MTSP) Code of Conduct


Diploma in Nursing 1997

BA (Hons) in Nursing and Professional Practice 2000

ENB 371 - Nursing Patients with Spinal Cord Lesions 2000

Bond Salon: Witness Familiarisation Criminal and Civil 2021

Sheila, it really has been a great joy working with you on this case. Your psychological insight into the case and your professionalism has been amazing.
Sheila Evans


Amputation, Spinal Injury


South East England
Sheila Evans

Sheila is a qualified Nurse, experienced case manager, and spinal cord injury professional. She has over 25 years of experience in caring for individuals affected by trauma and injury who present with complex physical, psychological, and social needs. She has developed an extensive understanding of the lifecycle of a spinal cord injury and has built a successful career in case management.

Sheila is reliable, well-organised and able to adapt to challenges as they arise. She is a confident communicator, experienced in coordinating and managing large multidisciplinary teams ensuring a positive outcome for the client.

She is diligent and thorough in her attention to detail and has developed strong relationships with care and rehabilitation providers.

Sheila has an in-depth understanding of the litigation process and has played an integral part in the rehabilitation of many clients.

She has experience in working collaboratively with statutory providers in securing funding for complex support packages.

Her professional, supportive and confident approach allows her to build a rapport quickly and effectively with clients and their families.

Sheila is passionate and committed to supporting clients to achieve their goals.



Age Groups


Registrations and memberships

Royal College of Nursing (RCN) (Reg: 196428)

Nursing and Midwifery Council (Reg: 92J0803E)

British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management

Case Management Society UK (Reg: 14-1345-CM)

Registered with the Major Trauma Signposting Partnership (MTSP) Code of Conduct


Diploma in Nursing 1997

BA (Hons) in Nursing and Professional Practice 2000

ENB 371 - Nursing Patients with Spinal Cord Lesions 2000

Bond Salon: Witness Familiarisation Criminal and Civil 2021

Sheila, it really has been a great joy working with you on this case. Your psychological insight into the case and your professionalism has been amazing.